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Translations / 翻译

"Smooth Appearances: Contemporary Painting and Other Art as 'Double Agent'," LEAP (Spring/Summer 2023).

​平滑表面:作为“双面间谍”的当代绘画与艺术. LEAP (Spring/Summer 2023).

"Noam Chomsky on David Graeber's Pirate Enlightenment," ArtReview Asia. Originally published on ArtReview.

诺姆·乔姆斯基谈大卫·格雷伯的“海盗启蒙”. ArtReview Asia. 原载于ArtReview.

"What is 'Crip Time'?," ArtReview Asia. Originally published on ArtReview.


何为“跛子时间”?. ArtReview Asia. 原载于ArtReview.

"Root Seeker," Heichi Magazine/e-flux. Originally published on e-flux Architecture.

寻根者. 黑齿/e-flux. 原载于e-flux建筑

"Is It Time to Abolish Museums?," Heichi Magazine. Originally published on The Nation.

是时候该废除博物馆了么?. 黑齿. 原载于The Nation.

"Looking back on 45 Armenian Street," The Art Newspaper China.

一场N年后的对话,回望亚美尼亚街45号. 艺术新闻中文版.

Shannon Finnegan

Talks, panels, and conferences / 演讲、专题讨论与会议

EcoTechnics Improvised: Activating Politics in Global Media Art, panel with Prof. Timothy Murray at Munk School, University of Toronto, Toronto.


即兴生态技术:激活全球媒体艺术中的政治. 多伦多大学蒙克全球事务学院专题讨论会(客座嘉宾:蒂莫西·穆雷教授).


"Zheng Shengtian and the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts in 1985," UAAC/AAUC Annual Conference, conference at Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, Banff, Canada.


1985: 郑胜天与浙江美术学院(现中国美术学院). 加拿大班夫艺术和创意中心加拿大大学艺术学会年度会议.


On Anti-Colonial Gestures and Their Trajectories, panel at HUA International, Berlin.


论反殖民主义姿态及其轨迹. 柏林户尔空间专题讨论会.


"A Diasporic Artist’s Performance of Passing: Dissecting Tseng Kwong Chi’s Appropriation of the Mao Suit,” Translating Home: Views from the Diaspora, the 12th Annual Rutgers Art History Graduate Student Symposium, symposium at Rutgers University, online.


一位离散艺术家的“冒充”式表演:解析曾广智对中山装的挪用. 翻译家园:从离散经历出发——第12届罗格斯大学艺术史研究生在线研讨会.


HUA International Atlas of Affinities Berlin

Projects / 项目

TightBelt: an interview and publishing project focused on understanding the material and mental states of young arts professionals

With Yuting He and Yue Ren

12/2019 - Present




TightBelt Yan Lei
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